“Will the defendant please rise.” I rock forward slowly and look around. Nervously I stand, open and vulnerable. “Foreman, have you reached a decision?” Time seems to slow. The intensity in each second expands. I notice everything, every little movement, every feeling. The moment has arrived. I look around at the gallery of waiting people and wonder who will be next.
Days earlier the scans were taken and now I await my fate among the many others. I wonder whether they too have the same path as I or are they here for another reason. Do they face the same question as I or do they have a different challenge ahead of them. If they have the same path will they be here next time? Will I be here next time?
People I don’t know have reviewed my scans and already know the news I am waiting to hear. I know this morning a team of surgeons, oncologists and other medical staff reviewed my case. I try not to focus on it trusting that whatever the result, this is the path I am meant to be walking.
Yet another different surgeon calls my name, consistency is not necessarily a strong point. He walks me to the tiny cell and sits at the computer. He quietly studies the screen and various pieces of paper before delivering the news. He tells me the scans look good and that they will review again in 6 months time. There is no flood of relief, which I am sure most people would expect to be the case, instead it is more a slow dawning that this time I get to have another 6 months. That is 15,778,463 seconds. I begin to ponder the usual question, “how am I going to spend those seconds?” “What am I going to do to make the most of each and everyone one of those 15,778,463 seconds?”
The answer I come up with is in question. The realisation of just how precious each one of those seconds is, adds to the intensity to which I, we, experience life. Each second is a chance to make a new experience, to feel more fully, to create a greater impact. My excitement builds and I look around at the people in the streets. I wonder if they too realise just how special each second is, or have they forgotten just how magical it is to have this moment.
Want to learn more about Cameron Gill’s journey, his legacy, and his legacy projects? CLICK HERE for Cam’s official Facebook legacy page. We have heaps more of his story to share, so like and follow to stay updated.
The following comments were captured from Cameron’s original post of this blog on 11-November-2014:
Sue McMaster said:
“Wow! You ‘know’ how to write as well! Gee, I marvel at so much you can do…..but mostly in the insight you have in how precious the gift of life we all have is. Thank you, thank you for sharing and thank the world that we have you with us today.xx”
Cameron replied:
“It’s strange the things you learn when life decides that you’ve ignored it’s teachings for long enough.”
SunriseOverTheOcean said:
“Someone once reminded me how precious those moments are. I hope they know how much I think about them, how much I miss them. I am so glad to hear about your 15, 778, 463 seconds. I can only imagine how many lives you can change in that time. Keep being perfectly you.”
Renee Williams said:
“WOW! what a great read. Cameron your attitude is so freakin’ awesome, my hat goes off to you, so to speak. I hope people share the sh*t out of it and many other people in similar situations take this way of living every second to the max!”
Philippa Ross said:
“Hi Cameron – fellow Inspiration Bible contributor here. Emily posted your blog on the IB facebook page. Please catch the cyber hugs and multiple them by the seconds you have so you have to play with. A raised vibration takes you to a new frequency so those seconds will multiple exponentially.
Absolutely thrilled for you.
Philippa aka Enthusiologist x”
Peter said:
“Inspiring to say the least, Cameron I sincerely hope all goes well for you.”
Tom Evans said:
“Dearest Cameron – what an inspiring message. It’s inspired me to reach out and this message is to both you and anyone else reading this going through anything similar. I would be honoured to give you complimentary access to my Living Timefully programme which is all about making the most of every second (both awake and sleeping).
Temporally Yours,
Di Gordon said:
“Hello Cameron, What an incredible journey you are on. and what lessons you are sharing with us fellow Inspiration Bible contributors, and the world. I thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings that you so vividly express. When faced with our own mortality how would one cope? We all need to be reminded of how precious life is and that we are all on a grand heroic journey in Awakening and finding our way back to Source. Your Awakening has been accelerated and what glorious Souls walk beside you.Blessed You are and You are greatly loved. Namaste Di.”
Amy said:
“Outer strength is daring to die, inner strength is daring to live…..I was given a 15% chance of survival with my melanoma….22 years later, I am here to say that it really is possible to live each and every second of 22 years like it’s the last one. I still watch people on the street and wonder if they realise how amazing and precious that very second is. Magical indeed.”
Cameron replied:
“Amy to live is the greatest adventure! I’m super happy to hear that you have done so well! I hope you have many more of those magical seconds.”
David Gill (Cameron’s dad) wrote:
“Many people find Cameron an inspiration. None more so than his father. It’s now about the son teaching his father. So proud of you mate.”
Simon Clark said:
“Great read mate, thank you xox”
Mary Patrinos said:
“Dear Cameron
Wonderful news ! Thank you .
You are truly a beacon of light!
May you have many adventures in your full life ahead ( maybe a few more pirate sword fights ? he he).
Thank you again – you have reminded me to be joyful and to appreciate the wonder in each moment .
All the best
Mary ( IB )”
Jan McIntyre said:
“Cameron, you have shared the total truth coming from your heart. May you be absolutely healed within and I know you have a huge life to live.”
Jane wrote:
“Now I am even more eager to read your book when it is complete! Who would know you are such a fantastic writer! You continue to find the richness in every second of life and are so gifted in sharing your insight and discoveries with those of us less gifted. Thank you for seeing the possibilities in all of us as we struggle to grow and learn from you! Glad to read of Timmie’s stunted growth! Hugs to you.”
Val Gill (Cameron’s mum) wrote:
“Cameron, Your mother could not be more proud.”