Dear Marvel….
What’s Wrong with this Picture?
No super powers!
As a kid I was taught to believe that radiation exposure would lead to developing super powers. Tonight whilst inside the tunnel of the MRI machine, my head locked still and plumbing in my arm I reflected on the number of times I have had MRIs with radioactive dyes, well into double figures now. As the rapid banging sounds associated with the MRI began I remembered the amount of radiation I was exposed to in the last 3 years since Timmy, my friendly yet aggressive grade 4 brain tumour, first started hanging out.
According to Marvel, a very reliable source of information I am assured, by now I should have developed some super powers. As you can see in the photo. I have no super powers!
I am unable to shoot laser beams out of my eyes. To be honest I’d say my ability to see has worsened.
I am unable to shoot spider web out of my wrists. I had imagined having the ability to swing through the city, climb walls or wear spandex in a somewhat flattering way. This sadly is untrue.